PAS @ECC24 in Stockholm, Sweden
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From June 25th to 28th, Dean Brandner, Lukas Lüken and Omar Sayed from the chair of Process Automation Systems attended and contributed to the European Control Conference 2024 in Stockholm, Sweden. This conference, organized by the European Control Association (EUCA), is held every year and has become one of the largest conferences in the broad field of control science and technology, with over 1000 guests from various research institutions and companies from around the world.
As part of the co-located workshop “Data-Driven Verification and Control with Provable Guarantees”, Prof. Lucia gave a talk on “Efficient approximation of model predictive control via neural networks with guarantees”. Further, the following four research articles were presented in a talk by the research associates:
- A Novel Koopman Representation for Efficient Linear Model Predictive Control of Nonlinear Systems, Omar Sayed and Sergio Lucia,
- Learning Iterative Solvers for Accurate and Fast Nonlinear Model Predictive Control via Unsupervised Training, Lukas Lüken and Sergio Lucia,
- Recursive Least Squares-Based Identification for Multi-Step Koopman Operators, Omar Sayed and Sergio Lucia,
- Reinforced Model Predictive Control via Trust-Region Quasi-Newton Policy Optimization, Dean Brandner and Sergio Lucia,