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Fakultät BCI

Thesis Procedure

A short guide on how to write your bachelor or master thesis at the Laboratory of Process Automation Systems. 

Cover page of the thesis template.


  1. Find a topic for your thesis at PAS:
    • Apply to our thesis offers.
    • Reach out to us with an unsolicited application.
  2. Discuss scope and title with your advisor (typically a PhD student from PAS).


  1. Read examination regulations and information from the faculty about registering your thesis.
  2. Fill out the registration form from the examination office.
  3. Forward (e-mail) the document to your advisor.
  4. Receive the signed document from your first examiner (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sergio Lucia).
  5. In case it is a master thesis, you are required to have a second examiner. Therefore, reach out to a second examiner. We can suggest suitable candidates. Then, ask for his/her agreement to be your second examiner and send the registration form to be signed (please have both your advisor and first examiner in CC).
  6. Send the form back to examination office.


  1. We typically offer a weekly meeting (approx. 1h) with your advisor either in person or online.
  2. You will have one intermediate presentation in case of a bachelor thesis and two intermediate presentations in case of a master thesis, in front of your advisor and first examiner.
  3. Students should use our provided LaTex Thesis template.
  4. We suggest students start writing approx. 4 weeks prior to the submission deadline in case of a bachelor thesis, and 6 weeks prior to the submission deadline in case of a master thesis.


You should write your thesis in English.

Students writing their thesis directly with us should use LaTex to write their thesis. For external supervisions and co-operations we strongly suggest using LaTex. LaTex has the advantage of being able to properly typeset complex equations with advanced cross referencing and proper inline equations. We provide an excellent template which should get you started immediately with LaTex.

Please contact your supervisor.

We encourage students who have completed courses from our course catalogue with good or excellent grades to apply for a thesis with us. You should have a background and interest in control, optimization and/or machine learning.