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Fakultät BCI

Logistics of Chemical Production Processes

Type Lecture (1 SWS) + Exercise (1 SWS)
Rhythm Summer Semester
Audience Bachelor BIW, CIW
Master BIW, CIW, PSE
Language English
LV number 061620

Please refer to the LFS for the most recent information.

Course content

In the course “Logisitics of Chemical Production Processes” an overview of batch production and the related planning and scheduling problems in the process industries and of supply chain management are given. Suitable solution
techniques and tools for modelling, simulation of production systems and for the optimization of production schedules are introduced. The set of techniques and tools include discrete event simulation, equation-based modelling, mixed-integer linear programming, heuristic optimization methods as well as modelling and optimization using timed automata.

Acquired competences

The students are enabled to identify and classify logistic problems, to select suitable tools and techniques for their
simulation and optimization and to apply them to real-world problems.


Exam Written (90 min) / Oral (25 min) + Mandatory participation in computer-based practices
Preliminaries Allgemeine: Zugangsvoraussetzungen zu den Veranstaltungen des zweiten und folgender Semester sind im § 9 Absatz 7 der Prüfungsordnung festgelegt, über etwaige Ausnahmen im Falle von Auflagenveranstaltungen entscheidet der Prüfungsausschuss.
Spezielle: Abgeschlossene Veranstaltungen Höhere Mathematik 1, Einführung in die Programmierung.
Literature The slides of the course and any additional materials such as literature lists and website recommendations will be published in the virtual workrooms in Moodle provided for this purpose. Details will be announced at the beginning of the course.
Advanced reading: S. Engell (Ed.), Logistics of Chemical Production Processes, VCH, Weinheim.

Only the information found in the LSF and the most recent edition of the Modulhandbuch der Fakultät
Bio – und Chemieingenieurwesen is binding. The content on this page may not reflect the most up-to-date information.