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Find below the most recent news from the Laboratory of Process Automation Systems. Updates on our research can be found here.


PAS @ECC24 in Stockholm, Sweden

PAS at the ECC 2024 along with Prof. Sergio Lucia! Check out the news article for more details about our contributions and the talk of Prof. Lucia as…


Hans-Uhde price awarded to Collin Johnson from PAS

Collin Johnson from the Process Automation Systems chair at TU Dortmund receives the prestigious Hans-Uhde Prize for his Master's thesis on enhancing…


Campuslauf Triumph for PAS Chair

Congratulations to the members of the PAS for earning the title of the fastest participating chair in the Campus relay!


SIMPLI-DEMO Showcased at Horizon Europe Mid-Term Event in Düsseldorf

On March 14th, the SIMPLI-DEMO project took center stage at the "Horizon Europe.NRW – Erfolge im Blick" event.


Advancing Circular Economy: Insights from the Circular Foam Project Workshop

On February 28th, partners from the Circular Foam project came together for a two-day workshop at TU Dortmund.


PAS/DYN @PAAT2023 in Frankfurt, Germany

Patrick Lotz and Merve Özkan, along with DYN members Engelbert Pasieka, Jens Ehlhardt and Mohamed Elsheikh, at the PAAT 2023!


Prof. Sergio Lucia receives the BCI Teaching Prize!

The BCI Student Council is proud to announce that this year's teaching prize is awarded to Prof. Sergio Lucia.


PAS @IFAC2023 in Yokohama, Japan

Lukas Lüken at the IFAC 2023!


PAS @ IFC2023 in Rotterdam, Netherlands

Merve Özkan at the IFC 2023!


Second price for innovative teaching format at Workshop "Digital Teaching & Study Success"

Presentation of "LightPod – Expert Interview with Lightboard" at the 3rd FTMV Workshop "Digital Teaching & Study Success"


PAS presents LightPod: Lightboard meets Podcast

LightPod is a new and original teaching format from the Laboratory of Process Automation Systems.


LightPod recording on the topic of Gaussian processes (machine learning session)