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Hans-Uhde Price

Hans-Uhde price awarded to Collin Johnson from PAS

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© Thyssen Krupp Uhde

Collin Johnson from the Process Automation Systems chair at TU Dortmund receives the prestigious Hans-Uhde Prize for his Master's thesis on enhancing neural network models in engineering applications.

In late April, the Hans-Uhde Foundation awarded the Hans-Uhde Prize to four graduates from TU Dortmund for their exceptional achievements. Additionally, graduates from the University of Applied Sciences (FH) Dortmund and an employee from Uhde High Pressure Technologies GmbH were honored during the event.

© Thyssen Krupp Uhde
Prof. Manfred Bayer (Rector of TU Dortmund, left) and Guido Baranowski (Chairman of the Society of Friends of TU Dortmund, right) congratulated the awardees (from left to right): Konstantin Ramthun, Anna Katharina Fenzl, Klas Feike, and Collin Johnson.

Michael Höllermann, CEO of thyssenkrupp Uhde GmbH, and Prof. Jörg Thiem, Vice-Rector for Research and Transfer at FH Dortmund, welcomed this year’s awardees. Prof. Hendrik Wöhrle from the Information Technology Department of FH Dortmund delivered a keynote speech on "The Intelligence of Things – Embedded Artificial Intelligence for the Benefit of Society".

Collin Johnson during his presentation.
© Thyssen Krupp Uhde
Guido Baranowski (Chairman of the Society of Friends of TU Dortmund, right) with Collin Johnson, presenting the award.

The Hans-Uhde Prize was awarded to TU Dortmund-graduates from four different faculties, recognizing their exceptional academic achievements. From the Faculty of Biochemical and Chemical Engineering Collin Johnson from the Process Automation Systems chair (PAS) was awarded the Hans-Uhde Prize for his Master's thesis on “State Estimation for Neural Network System Models with Bayesian Last Layer”. In his thesis he focused on developing advanced computational methods for improving the accuracy and reliability of probalistic neural network models in engineering applications.