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Fakultät BCI
Head of the chair

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sergio Lucia

Contact details

Tel: +49 231 755 5341
Consultation hours: by email appointment

Social Media

LinkedIn profile: click here
Google scholar profile: click here

© TU Dortmund

Some information about me

I have been always fascinated by the power of mathematical abstraction, and how it enables us to solve seemingly different problems across various engineering disciplines using unified tools. Following these ideas, my research lies at the intersection of control engineering, numerical optimization, and machine learning, where I explore novel methods to bridge theory and applications. Our methods are applied in the areas of chemical processes, biotechnology and energy systems.

I am also deeply committed to high-quality teaching. Together with my team, we continuously refine our courses to provide the best possible learning outcomes. My goal is to share my passion for control, optimization, and machine learning with students, inspiring them to explore these fields with curiosity and confidence.

Short curriculum Vitae 

Since 2023 Full Professor (W3) for Process Automation Systems, TU Dortmund University
2020-2023 Professor (W2 tt W3) for Process Automation Systems, TU Dortmund University
2017-2020 Assistant Professor (W1) at TU Berlin and Einstein Center Digital Future
2016 Postdoctoral Fellow at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA (Prof. Braatz)
2015-2017 Postdoctoral reseracher at Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg (Prof. Findeisen)
2014 Dr.-Ing. (summa cum laude),  "Robust multi-stage nonlinear model predictive control"
2010-2014 Reserach assistant at TU Dortmund University (Prof. Engell)
2010 Diploma in Electric Engineering (eq. M.Sc.), University of Zaragoza
2005-2010 Studies of electrical engineering, University of Zaragoza

Awards, honors and scholarships

2023 Teaching award of the Department of Biochemical and Chemical Engineering, TU Dortmund University
2022 Best student paper award (for my PhD student Sarah Braun), 19th Conference on Informatics ind Control, Automation and Robotics, Lisbon, Portugal
2021 Best paper by young author award (for my PhD student Benjamin Karg), 23rd International Conference on Process Control, Slovak Republic
2021 Keynote talk (selected as keynot from submissions), ADCHEM Conference, Venice, Italy
2019 Keynote talk, CAPE Forum, Liège, Belgium
2015 VAA Dissertation Award for outstanding dissertation in process engineering in Germany
2015 Best oral presentation award, ADCHEM Conference in Whistler, Canada
2011 M.Sc. Extraordinary Career Award. Best GPA of the class of 2010, University of Zaragoza
2010 Erasmus Scholarship, University of Zaragoza

Main responsabilities and service to the community (selection)

Since 2020 Vice Chair of the IFAC Technical Commitee on Optimal Control
2020-2024 Associate Editor for Journal of Optimization and Control Application and Methods
2020 IT Chair and NOC member of IFAC World Congress, Berlin (virtual)
Since 2018 Associate Editor for Journal of Process Control
Since 2014 Reviewer for the main conferences and journals in the field of control, automation and optimization.
Since 2018 Reviewer for main research agencies such as DFG, ANR or ERC Starting Grants