Campuslauf Triumph for PAS Chair

SIMPLI-DEMO Showcased at Horizon Europe Mid-Term Event in Düsseldorf

Advancing Circular Economy: Insights from the Circular Foam Project Workshop

PAS/DYN @PAAT2023 in Frankfurt, Germany

Prof. Sergio Lucia receives the BCI Teaching Prize!

PAS @IFAC2023 in Yokohama, Japan

PAS @ IFC2023 in Rotterdam, Netherlands

PAS @ Circular Foam Consortium's Meeting in Amsterdam

PAS @CoDIT2023 in Rome, Italy

Workshop on Robust Model Predictive Control

PAS @CDC2022 Cancun, Mexico


Course Announcement for the Winter Semester 2022/2023

PAS @ICINCO: Best Student Paper Award for Sarah Braun

DYN/PAS @ESCAPE 32 Toulouse, France

DYN/PAS team reaches second place at BCI football tournament

MPC Teaching Survey

DYN and PAS Groups Join for Prof. Engell’s Birthday

Newly constructed student lab: Double tank system

Review: do-mpc developer conference

do-mpc developer conference


Workshop on Robust Model Predictive Control at Uni Freiburg

PAS @ PC21: Best Paper by Young Author Award for Benjamin Karg



New Webpage
The team started working on their new webpage on 24.02.2021

New Team member